We’re hosting a quiz night on Thank Your Cleaner Day to raise funds for Somewhere a Cleaner, our upcoming anthology of poems by cleaners and about cleaning.
Don’t miss this quiz! It’s fun, and for a great cause – and you don’t have to know anything!
Date: Wednesday, 21 October 2020, 6–8pm
Place: Salvation Army Community Centre, 13 Donald McClean St, Newtown
Tickets: $10 per person
Max team size: 8 people
Entry: By registration (limited).
Register at landingpressnz@gmail.com
There will be prizes of cleaning products and books and free nibbles!
The Centre is wheelchair accessible. Car parking is on-site.
Come as a team of up to 8 people, or by yourself (we’ll team you up for the quiz).
You’ll be able to buy our books on the evening.
Space is limited, so we advise you to get in quick!