Run for your life

Some people know

how to cook kabuh

how to speak Arabic and English

how to bless people

how to wear the hijab

how to dance Syrian dances

how to leave your own country

how to run for your life.

And some people don’t.

Hanadi Al Bakhas, Syria


Distributor: Nationwide
Format: Pb 200 pp
ISBN: 9780473724597



from our hands to yours


Poems by ESOL students, Mana College, Porirua

Editors: Adrienne Jansen and Alexandra Heke

From our hands to yours is a selection of poems from five years of poetry workshops with students in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes at Mana College in Porirua.

These moving, charming, funny, sometimes awkward poems were written by students from Samoa, Syria, Fiji, Vietnam, Tonga, Tokelau, Philippines, Myanmar, and Colombia. Some are English beginners, others are more fluent.

They write about many subjects, from grandparents, to wishes, to how they seem to other people. Their poems provide an illuminating glimpse into the immigrant experience as seen through teen eyes, and are a celebration of many different cultures and of Aotearoa New Zealand itself.


Notes for teachers, including the writing exercises which shaped the poems in this book, are available under Resources.

Reviews & Media

Education Gazette: From Our Hands to Yours: Sharing stories from every corner of Aotearoa

from our hands to yours


Poems by ESOL students, Mana College, Porirua

Editors: Adrienne Jansen and Alexandra Heke

From our hands to yours is a selection of poems from five years of poetry workshops with students in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes at Mana College in Porirua.

These moving, charming, funny, sometimes awkward poems were written by students from Samoa, Syria, Fiji, Vietnam, Tonga, Tokelau, Philippines, Myanmar, and Colombia. Some are English beginners, others are more fluent.

They write about many subjects, from grandparents, to wishes, to how they seem to other people. Their poems provide an illuminating glimpse into the immigrant experience as seen through teen eyes, and are a celebration of many different cultures and of Aotearoa New Zealand itself.


Notes for teachers, including the writing exercises which shaped the poems in this book, are available under Resources.

Reviews & Media

Education Gazette: From Our Hands to Yours: Sharing stories from every corner of Aotearoa

Run for your life

Some people know

how to cook kabuh

how to speak Arabic and English

how to bless people

how to wear the hijab

how to dance Syrian dances

how to leave your own country

how to run for your life.

And some people don’t.

Hanadi Al Bakhas, Syria


Distributor: Nationwide
Format: Pb 200 pp
ISBN: 9780473724597